This dataset identifies the roads in the City of Calgary where temporary signage is prohibited under the Temporary Signs on Highway Bylaw 29M97. The identified roads are effective Jan1, 2024.
*Notice of pilot to run from May 1st to October 31st, 2024. There is a data subset provided on the map that shows previously prohibited roadways that we will allow signage to be installed at for the duration of the pilot.
Annual Waste Volumes provides the number of tonnes of material managed at City of Calgary landfills, through the residential Black (garbage), Blue (recyclables), and Green (food and yard waste) Cart programs, and Household Hazardous Waste program.
The Citizen Satisfaction survey is a telephone survey conducted with a randomly selected sample of Calgarians aged 18 years and older. The survey is conducted on an annual basis.
The data are weighted to ensure the overall sample’s quadrant, ward, and age/gender composition reflects that of the actual Calgary population aged 18 or older according to Municipal and Federal Census data. Weights are included in the dataset.
Waste & Recycling Performance Measures are used to assess the performance of The City of Calgary's Waste & Recycling service. Five measures have been approved for the 2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets. See Waste & Recycling plan and budget for more information.
The Calgary Equity Index is a decision-making tool designed to measure equity in Calgary, based on a social determinant of health (SDOH) framework. The SDOH are the range of interacting social and economic conditions that influence people’s health and well-being. This index provides an equity lens to examine the ways in which social and economic conditions are experienced and distributed among populations. It will help the City examine where inequities exist in different areas. Information is available for 113 Community Service Areas (CSAs) across Calgary. The CSAs were created by combining two adjacent Census Tracts to reach a population of around 10,000. The CSAs are numbered from 1 to 113, and are displayed on the map.
Waste Composition studies are periodically conducted by Waste and Recycling Services to help assess the performance of diversion and education programs and inform improvements and new program design.
In 2019, The City of Calgary assessed the waste composition of Black Carts and garbage bins, in the residential (single family and multi-family) sector and for businesses and organizations. More detailed information about each sector can be found in the description of the filtered datasets.
The Citizen Satisfaction survey is a telephone survey conducted with a randomly selected sample of Calgarians aged 18 years and older. The survey is conducted on an annual basis.
The data are weighted to ensure the overall sample’s quadrant, ward, and age/gender composition reflects that of the actual Calgary population aged 18 or older according to Municipal and Federal Census data. Weights are included in the dataset.
This dataset is for Black Cart and garbage bin waste from residential dwellings. The single family sector results represent the pooled average of samples of 20-25 residences collected in 18 communities in each of the four seasons of 2019 (72 samples). The communities sampled were selected to collectively represent the range of housing types and demographics in Calgary. The multi-family results represent garbage bin waste from multi-family complexes, and represents the pooled average of samples in each of the four seasons of 2019 (40 samples). The multi-family developments sampled included both low rise and high rise types, and all were customers of The City’s Commercial Collections service. The weight per cent composition is provided for a number of material categories and subcategories.
Waste Composition studies are periodically conducted by Waste and Recycling Services to help assess the performance of diversion and education programs and inform improvements and new program design.