This dataset contains transit peace officer calls starting in 2014. This includes the date of the call (Year, Month, Day), the Call Source, and the Call Category.
Tree Canopy contains polygons outlining the extent of tree cover for all land within the City of Calgary. The tree canopy was derived by Remote Sensing software using City of Calgary Orthophotos and Lidar. The resulting data was then quality controlled and edited using various photogrammetric and processing tools.
Tree Canopy contains polygons outlining the extent of tree cover for all land within the City of Calgary. The tree canopy was derived by Remote Sensing software using City of Calgary Orthophotos and Lidar. The resulting data was then quality controlled and edited using various photogrammetric and processing tools.
Tree Canopy contains polygons outlining the extent of tree cover for all land within the City of Calgary. The tree canopy was derived by Remote Sensing software using City of Calgary Orthophotos and Lidar. The resulting data was then quality controlled and edited using various photogrammetric and processing tools.