An archive of traffic incidents within Calgary updated every 10 minutes. This is an unofficial archive of traffic incidents within Calgary. Traffic incidents are traffic disruptions affecting traffic flow, such as traffic signal issues, hazardous road conditions, stalled vehicles, and unverified, unreported traffic collisions. This data is based off unrecorded imagery where traffic cameras are present. There may be gaps in the data due to system or script malfunction. For more information, see the Calgary Traffic Report page.
An archive of traffic incidents within Calgary updated every 10 minutes. Please note there may be gaps in the data due to system or script malfunction. For more information, see the Calgary Traffic Report page.
An archive of traffic incidents within Calgary updated every 10 minutes. Please note there may be gaps in the data due to system or script malfunction. For more information, see the Calgary Traffic Report page.
Average daily weekday traffic (ADWT) is the average number of vehicles in 24 hours adjusted for seasonal variation to represent the average weekday. The numbers on this map are two-way totals.
Average daily weekday traffic (ADWT) is the average number of vehicles in 24 hours adjusted for seasonal variation to represent the average weekday. The numbers on this map are two-way totals.
The traffic volume flow map illustrates the Average Annual Weekday Traffic (AAWT), the average number of vehicles in 24 hours adjusted for seasonal variation to represent the average weekday. The numbers on the map are two-way totals.