Shows all active trips for specified time period. This file was made available to facilitate the 2019 CUTA conference hackathon, and therefore may not be updated
20180507-20180625 and
This dataset contains transit peace officer calls starting in 2014. This includes the date of the call (Year, Month, Day), the Call Source, and the Call Category.
Shows data sample collected per vehicle. Contains information including number of passengers on and off at trip level. This file was made available to facilitate the 2019 CUTA conference hackathon, and therefore may not be updated
20180507-20180625 and
Captures incidents at timepoints to determine On Time Performance (OTP). This file was made available to facilitate the 2019 CUTA conference hackathon, and therefore may not be updated.
Bus departed early (>1 minute before schedule)
Bus departed late (>5 minutes after schedule)
Bus departed on schedule (<=1 minute before schedule and <=5 minutes after schedule)
A set of nine raw ASCII text files that represent Calgary Transit's published schedule and routing information. This data is provided based on the General Transit Feed Specification Reference. This file was made available to facilitate the 2019 CUTA conference hackathon, and therefore may not be updated.
A set of nine raw ASCII text files that represent Calgary Transit's published schedule and routing information. This data is provided based on the General Transit Feed Specification Reference. This file was made available to facilitate the 2019 CUTA conference hackathon, and therefore may not be updated.
Shows active route during specified time period. This file was made available to facilitate the 2019 CUTA conference hackathon, and therefore may not be updated
20180507-20180625 and