Waste Composition studies are periodically conducted by Waste and Recycling Services to help assess the performance of diversion and education programs and inform improvements and new program design.
In 2019, The City of Calgary assessed the waste composition of Black Carts and garbage bins, in the residential (single family and multi-family) sector and for businesses and organizations. More detailed information about each sector can be found in the description of the filtered datasets.
Annual Waste Volumes provides the number of tonnes of material managed at City of Calgary landfills, through the residential Black (garbage), Blue (recyclables), and Green (food and yard waste) Cart programs, and Household Hazardous Waste program.
Waste & Recycling Performance Measures are used to assess the performance of The City of Calgary's Waste & Recycling service. Five measures have been approved for the 2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets. See Waste & Recycling plan and budget for more information.