The City’s Fall Survey of Calgarians is a telephone survey conducted with a randomly selected sample of Calgarians aged 18 years and older. The survey is conducted on an annual basis.
The data are weighted to ensure the overall sample’s quadrant, ward, and age/gender composition reflects that of the actual Calgary population aged 18 or older according to Municipal and Federal Census data. Weights are included in the dataset.
The variable metadata contains detailed information on the variables.”
Please use caution, when comparing data sets from previous years and consult the reports for any notable changes to the survey that may impact historical tracking. Further, if merging this data with historical data sets, please ensure that Qlabel and Valuelabel fields align. Given changes to the survey over time, variable and value fields may be inconsistent.
Please be advised that this survey, referenced as "Fall Survey of Calgarians (2023)", was previously known as "Citizen Satisfaction Survey". The name change does not affect the nature or purpose of the survey.