A sanitary service pipe, also known as a sanitary service line, is the way wastewater leaves each home in Calgary. The sanitary service pipe can be thought of as two sections:
(1) From the sanitary main to the property line: This part of the pipe is owned and maintained by The City of Calgary.
(2) From the property line to your house: This part of the pipe is owned and maintained by the homeowner.
The data shown here only relates to the portion of the sanitary service pipe on public property, owned and operated by The City. The material on private property can be a different material, and could have been installed at a different time. This dataset does not include large commercial and multi-family service lines. The data shown on this map is subject to change due to parcel re-development or The City repair/maintenance activities. If you believe there is an error or an omission regarding to the pipe material provided on this map, please contact 311.