Location and information of schools and post-secondary institutions including school name, address, phone number and grade level. Standard City symbology has been applied.
This layer doesn't include private ECS (Early Childhood Services) operators. It is being used in Calgary Education map.
This dataset is a list of vaccination locations. The information includes address, vaccine type, booking and contact information for the vaccination locations. The information is updated daily.
This file lists SDAB decisions since 2014. Additional information about the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board can be found at Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Page on calgary.sdab.ca.
This dataset makes historical air quality data accessible for various parameters at Calgary monitoring stations. The data is collected by the Calgary Region Airshed Zone and submitted to Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP). The data is delivered to the airdata warehouse, a central repository for Alberta's ambient air quality data via a web service provided by AEP. In this way, AEP provides access to quality controlled historical air quality data at its air quality stations.
In addition to air quality monitoring data, an Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) is calculated hourly at certain monitoring stations. The AQHI is a simple way to interpret air quality conditions: it provides a number from 1 to 10+ which indicates the relative health risk associated with local air quality. The higher the number, the greater the health risk. Further information on the AQHI calculation is available at: https://www.alberta.ca/air-quality-health-index--calculation.aspx
Look up your residential address to view your black, blue and green bin collection schedule. (Updated to include Summer and Winter Collection schedules).