This chart shows weight per cent composition grouped by proper disposal location.
This dataset is for garbage bin waste from the Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional (ICI) sector. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used to categorize ICI businesses and organizations into sub-sectors for ease of data collection and reporting. The NAICS sub-sectors included in this study are: Accommodation and Food Services (NAICS code 72), Retail Trade (44-45), Manufacturing (31-33), Health Care and Social Assistance (62), and Public Administration (91). All businesses and organizations included in the study were customers of The City’s Commercial Collections service, except for one privately-serviced customer in the Accommodation and Food Services sub-sector that was added to provide better sector representation. A total of 115 samples are included in the dataset: 30 in Accommodation and Food Services, 35 in Retail Trade, 17 in Manufacturing, 25 in Health Care and Social Assistance, and 8 in Public Administration. The weight per cent for each sub-sector is the pooled average of samples collected in the four seasons of 2019.
Waste Composition studies are periodically conducted by Waste and Recycling Services to help assess the performance of diversion and education programs and inform improvements and new program design.